The Ups and Downs of My First Year in WordPress Blogging

One year ago I launched my personal blogging website. Let’s review the results!

7 min readJan 1, 2024
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I started writing on Medium at the beginning of 2022. My goal was to create a collection of knowledge about topic from the software engineering area. Here I am roughly 2 years later with over 200 articles published and a backlog of around 40 ideas to be done.

In January of 2023, I decided that I needed a personal blog. Medium is good but the ongoing changes made me worry that maybe it’s not the best idea to only rely on this platform. So I created a WordPress blog, bought a domain and a hosting package, and my QuickCoder blog was online!

12 months later, it is time for a review.

What were my goals?

Did I reach them?

Was it worth the time?

Let’s find out!

Goal evaluation

Here is a screenshot of my goals for my blog. You can read more about them in this article.

Goals I set at the beginning of the year for my blog




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